
We come together to praise your name, to declare that there is no other one like You – that Your ways are higher than our ways, and Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We give You thanks for saving us and giving us eternal life so that we may be with You forever!

We thank you for your blood that covers all our sins, allowing us to approach Your throne with boldness —knowing that there is forgiveness for us, through the blood of Jesus that covers all our sins. Lord, please forgive us for our pride, lust, greed, envy, — and anything and everything that doesn’t please You.

Please search us and reveal everything that needs to be removed from our lives so that we may separate ourselves from it. Please also give us the grace to forgive others! We pray for Israel and those who have not yet come to know You, those who are being deceived by the enemy’s lies.

Please open their hearts and minds to hear the gospel and fully comprehend it, so that they may receive Your gift of salvation. We pray that they come humbly in repentance believing in Jesus and what He did on the cross. We pray for everyone that is having a hard time today, please give them the peace and strength that they need right now.

Please show them how much You love them and how much You care for them. Be the friend, the brother, the companion they need at this moment. Send angels that minister to their hearts and needs – ease their pain, give them rest, and protect them from all evil!

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!




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