Charlene DeHerrera
A 35 year old woman, Charlene Herrera was rescued from a flood in Colorado and the incident was caught on video. Charlene was returning home from her workplace in her red SUV when she was trapped in the flood waters on Pueblo street. The floodwater carried the SUV downContinue Reading
Toddler Survives after 14 Hours in Submerged Car
A young Utah mother died after an accident sent her car into a river upside-down with her 18-month-old daughter in a car seat. Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, 25, did not survive, but her daughter, Lily, is now in stable condition, as reported by the Spanish Fork City Police Department. After spending almostContinue Reading
A compilation of miracles witnessed by many, on video
Miracles of God caught on tape… These are the best video documented stories of miracles as they occurred. Many people falsely think miracles only happened in biblical times, but Godly miracles still happen today. Jesus is alive, he and his angels are among us. God’s miracles are just awesome toContinue Reading
The Bible is the only thing left after a van fire
After rescuing a person from a van crash and then explosion and smoldering fire. Loads of witnesses were shocked to discover that a bible in the vehicle, was left perfectly intact throughout the fire. Why does a miraculous event from God like this happen? It is simply so that God’sContinue Reading
Have you ever thought about how stubborn we often are — and how much it hurts us? Stubbornness makes us do things we shouldn’t do, and cuts us off from others (even those who want to help us) — simply because we insist on our own way and won’t admitContinue Reading