Peter It is traditionally believed that Peter first traveled to Antioch and established a community there. He did not stay very long, but he is often known as the first bishop of Antioch. After that he may have visited Corinth before heading to Rome. There he helped form the Christian community and was ultimately martyredContinue Reading


Though the Bible doesn’t use the word “depression” except in a few translations and verses, it’s often referenced by other similar words, such as “downcast,” “brokenhearted,” “troubled,” “miserable,” “despairing,” and “mourning,” among others. Throughout the Word, there are a number of stories about godly, influential men and women of faith, who struggled andContinue Reading


From birth, Chris has suffered from chronic pseudo-obstruction syndrome that has paralyzed his intestines. This left him unable to digest any nutrients or even be able to drink water; instead, Chris would receive water and nutrients into his body via tubes planted into his belly. According to his dad, Mike:Continue Reading


Throughout the Bible, Christ’s resurrection is the greatest miracle of them all. Such a miraculous event paved the way to Christianity. Without the resurrection, the disciples would not have fully believed in Christ and preached his Gospel. Today, many non-believers invented naturalistic theories to disprove the resurrection but they failedContinue Reading
