Enoch, the Watchers & the Nephilim…

It is clear from Scripture that the apostles, and Jesus were familiar with what we call the pseudepigrapha, or spiritual books outside the Jewish canon and certainly outside our canon.

They quoted or referenced, The Book of Enoch, The Assumption of Moses, the Book of Jasher, and the Book of Jubilees, to name a few. Enoch wrote a book of his visions of heaven and gave it to his grandson Noah to keep
through the flood for all generations. It was a book based on his visions and visits to heaven, much like the Book of Revelation. And just like Revelation and Daniel the Lord told him to seal it up, that some things were not for him to know, but for the last generation in the end times.



One of Enoch’s books is the Book of the Watchers in which he explains the missing information referred to in Genesis 6:2-4. We know Moses had this information but saw fit not to digress and cover that material already familiar to the Jews. That does not mean that we should include these as authoritative, inspired Scriptures, but
at the least we should recognize that they read them, believed them, and relied on them for extra-biblical information, specifically historical information of things not in the Bible.

We also know that there are mysteries that we do not know or understand that will be revealed in heaven. We don’t understand all mysteries or have all knowledge, but we see through a glass (mirror) darkly. (1 Corinthians 13:12) “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. ”



Also, Deuteronomy tells us very specifically that there are mysteries God holds back from us. (Deut. 29:29)
“The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. ” Amos 3:7-8 clarifies that even further: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he reveals his secret unto his servants the prophets. ”

Having said all that there are mysteries revealed to God’s prophets that are revealed to us in books like Enoch and Jubilees for example. We know some of those mysteries because the apostles referred to them.

 Jude 1:14-18
 2 Peter 2:4-9
 Ephesians 6:12
 Daniel 9 – the 70 Weeks

Did you know that Enoch also prophesied about the 70 weeks? Just as he prophesied concerning the coming of the Messiah and the end of the world. Revelation and Enoch concur on many of the end time events.

That brings us to the topic at hand. In Exodus 12:12 God says the plagues of Egypt were to bring judgment on the gods of Egypt. We have pointed out that the Bibles says that behind these idols are demon who the idol represents. So, where did the Egyptians get their ideas about these superhuman deities? They got them from the prediluvian (before the flood) memories passed down through the generations.



The secular memories of Gilgamesh, founder of Iraq and Babylon reflect the same memories of supermen who came down from heaven and spread evil and idolatry throughout the world. These deities are defined by Enoch who refers to the sons of God coming into the daughters of men, whose offspring were giants and men of renown. (Gen. 6:2-4)

Modern interpreters want to make these unholy unions as ungodly men marrying children of Adam, or godly Adams grandchildren marrying ungodly some. But that interpretation is fraught with difficulties. 1) where did these ungodly men come from. Shouldn’t they have been children of Adam too. 2) Why would these couplings
produce giants in the earth? The answer is found in the book of Enoch.

Enoch Story

Enoch story goes something like this in the beginning there were angels sent to earth to watch over mankind, yet these angels got involved with women, had intercourse with them, and were judged by God. These evil angels, called the Watchers, we’re still in the world and they began to defile all flesh. They did evil in the sight of the Lord. They spoiled mankind with the grossest of sins. They taught men astrology, and astronomy, horoscopes, and all kinds of secret knowledge that they were for bidden to share.

Men wrote these secrets down in stones, in pyramids and on obelisks. These Watchers became involved with women, had sex with them, and their offspring became giants in the earth. Genesis 6 says they were men of renown. All the ancient stories of gods and goddesses (ancient superheroes) we’re memories of these Watchers
who inhabited the earth until the flood.

The book of Enoch even gives us the names of each of these fallen angels that inhabited the earth he defines each one by the mysteries the science the astrology and the magical formulas that they taught to mankind. God began to give dreams and visions to these giants in the earth who were offspring of the watchers. And they were so upset by these dreams which were dreams of judgment, and dreams of a great flood, but they sought out Enoch who was known as a scribe and the man of God to interpret their dreams.

Enoch interprets their dreams and warn them of the flood that God said was coming up on the earth and that they would all be destroyed. In a cave and says he ascended into heaven and interceding on behalf of the nipple him the Giants that God would spare them. But God said no he would not spare them he would wipe them from the face of the earth, which is exactly what happened when God sent the flood to Enoch’s great grandson Noah.

The book of Enoch declares that God told him not to write down these prophecies and visions in a book and give them to his grandson Noah for safekeeping for future generations. This is the book of Enoch. After the flood men again spread throughout all the earth. They discovered ancient cities, pyramids, carvings, writings, of astrology and teachings of the Watchers that were not completely destroyed by the flood.

According to Gilgamesh, the founder of Babel, they found the foundations of ancient cities and the statues of their images of the Watchers, and began to worship them, and practice the spells, the magic, the incantations and
sorceries taught on these ancient ruins and worshipped the images as their gods. It is from these roots of pagan idolatry that Egypt got its gods.

All of them were memories of the Watchers and the Nephilim, the giants in the earth, and all of them were representative of those demons. All pagan gods come from this same source. All the
mythical stories of gods and goddesses, including the Greek and Roman gods such as Zeus and Hercules, are vague memories of these fallen angels.



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